The Evolution From Microblading to Powder Brows: What You Need to Know

When I first opened the doors to Bend Brows, microblading was a concept that was still in its infancy. There was still much to learn. Here are a few ways our industry has evolved from a microblading-for-all to a more personalized approach.

Some of what we've discovered:

1. Not everyone is the best candidate for microblading

In fact, most aren't. We've since realized that those with light, thin hair tend to heal differently. The strokes might thicken and blend, giving it a less natural look. The best candidates for microblading already have thick, dark hairs that will blend in with the more 3D look that the microblading strokes create. If you have dark, thick hair, and just want a little more volume and shaping, then microblading is still right for you.

For the rest of us, there's powder brows!

2. Many of us will fall into the category of being a better fit for powder brows

Powder brows have a more natural appearance. They mimic the look of eyebrows that have been filled in with a brush and powder, and tend to heal better on all skin types. I now recommend this method over microblading for 99% of my clients.


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